Friday, July 24, 2015


Bird comics about life with birds
I believe all pets' greatest pleasure is having their owners' attention on them. That's why since I work from home, I try to be with with my birds as much as possible. Still, sometimes I can be very tired especially after some days lacking of sleep (I have insomnia), I can just start falling asleep while drawing! :D And my birds, especially Pipi who has accompanied me drawing all morning will be pissed if I take a nap at noon. :D Pipi won't stop calling me if I leave her alone in my working room. I bring Petpet and Peanut to accompany her these days... or more like to distract her mind. Since Peanut won't stop flirting with her, she'd better focus on guarding her butt than thinking of me. :D Anyway, I feel so blessed I've never had to be hospitalized. I can't imagine not kissing my birds all day long, I'll be worried sick. Even if I take a vacation, it won't be something that requires spending a night out there. Just gotta back home in the afternoon to put them in their sleeping cages after spending the day in the bird room. ^_^

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